Wednesday, June 25, 2008

B I N G O ! ! ! !

Over at the HGTV Forum they do a fat quarter bingo each spring. For how ever many fat quarters (up to 30) you send in you get bingo cards. I played last year with 10 (I think!) and had a BLAST. So this year I played 25 cards. It was so much fun, especially the day the doorbell rang and this was on my front porch.....

Yep I won in my group (along with 1 other lady) and here is what we won

Here are all 286 fat quarters. I had soooo much fun going thru them all.

Fabric heaven :)

My plan is to try and get a couple of tops pieced for Quilts of Valor or maybe Project Linus. Not sure which yet. Needless to say I'm going to have to find a great scrappy pattern.

Lastly for tonight here is a picture of the Ladies room on the casino floor at Paris Las Vegas. It was sooooo gorgeous. I SO want a sink and tile like that!

And omg did I ever feel like a dork taking a picture of the ladies room lol.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bats in my belfry...

or a bird in my kitchen!

One morning a few weeks ago the dogs were going nuts and I kept hearing a bird chirp. Well my first thought was they had hurt a bird in the backyard, so I went to see and they were all 4 in the kitchen barking like maniacs at this bird.

Cute huh? You should have seen me chasing it with the broom! I looked like a total dork lol.

And then I scared the poop outta the poor bird......

Bird isn't so cute anymore! Took about 15 min but I got it to fly out the front door.

Here is my first "on my own" paper pieced block. Turned out pretty good, except I placed a piece incorrectly and hade a little gap on one corner. But I was able to put another little piece to cover it and now you can't tell :)

I'm now working on a wall hanging from Carol Doak's Yahoo group. It's a celebration wreath she designed for the groups birthday. Hopefully I can finish it this weekend. I think it's going to turn out pretty good, only a couple of little mistakes design elements. I'm really liking paper piecing, I like the precision of it.

Toodles for now -- I'm going to go try and figure out how to do one of those cute signatures that everyone has. Wish me luck rofl!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

testing testing 1 2 3

ok I found a great blog and she asked how to do strikethroughs and someone commented on how so here goes a test


let's cross our fingers :)

ps oh and because I'll forget this in about 4.3 seconds here is how:

< s > text < / s > only without all the spaces

whew thank goodness I remembered to add how I did it..........

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's done!

The top from my last post is almost done. I've got the piecing finished and need to add borders now. These things are like wrestling a bear. I have nooooo idea how I'm ever going to do a king size...........................

I fell in love with this last summer when I saw it on , Judy designs quilts for her "quilt for an hour" blog posts. I didn't really follow the timeline because I don't really have an hour each and everyday to sew. She just got thru with a star quilt design that I liked also. I've realized that I SO need to work on my accuracy. omg some seams were a very scant 1/4 and some were damn near 1/2" I think!!! And having a Bernina with a 9mm seam doesn't make accurate piecing any easier. But hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon.

I love black and white. I may do another with hot pink or maybe lime green. But yikes first I've got to get the borders on this one and get it quilted. nnnooooottttt looking forward to quilting it! But for only my 3rd completed quilt I think I did pretty darn good ;)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

God Bless all the men and women who have so selflessly given their lives so that we may live free. Their sacrifice should put all the political BS in perspective shouln't it?

There is finally some sewing going on this weekend. I'm trying (and being quite successful I might add) to ignore the huge pile of mail and work that needs to be done on the other side of the room. And by "other side" I mean about 2 feet away, it's a little bedroom that is both our home office and my sewing room. Hopefully soon we'll be able to find a shop/office and I can move some of this stuff out.

So here's a little peek of a quilt I'm working on......

blocks that are about 1/2 put together

leftovers to show the bright colors I'm using

I'm hoping to get all the blocks complete so I can get it on my lame design wall today. Maybe pics this week.....

Here's the block we did in the paper piecing class I went to a couple of weeks ago. It was really fun. Except for picking out the little teeny pieces of paper. There's gotta be a trick to it.

And finally here's precious. Not sure if you can see how dirty her front paws are, but she is demolishing my flowerbed in the backyard. She just won't stay out of it grrrrrrrrrr.

Lucky for her she's cute and likes to cuddle.

Friday, May 16, 2008

What happens in Vegas..............

stays in Vegas, including all my money! The gambling was bad enough this time, we both lost. Lots. We didn't talk to anyone that was winning. bummer...........

Then if that wasn't bad enough we were robbed (or burglarized?). Either way it sucked. Because I'm lazy I'm going to copy/paste from my trip report over at

We got home at 11:45 last night (hate that 3 hour drive from Albuquerque!!). This is my 3rd trip this year, gotta love Diamond benefits! Hubs made Diamond towards the end of last year and we are trying to take advantage of all the offers we can. He’s not able to go as much this year so he probably won’t keep the diamond status.

It’s gonna be really hard to wait in line with everyone else next year lol.

The good was seeing Cher, the bad was the gambling and the scary happened early Monday morning.Hubs went out Friday with a friend for a golf tournament thru GVR Saturday and Sunday. I flew in Saturday. After getting to GVR to pick up Hubs we had dinner at Hank’s Steakhouse. Wonderful food, but way to much of it! To start hubs had French onion soup, not a little appetizer bowl but a huge mixing bowl of it, he said it was very good. Then he had shrimp cocktail, a filet of some kind (I’m not a steak person so not sure what kind) and asparagus. He said the steak was very good. I had salmon and green bean almandine, both were very good. They best tho was the fresh berry salad I started with. It was a baby spring mix greens, house raspberry vinaigrette, goat cheese, candied pecans and fresh raspberries blackberries and blueberries. If I hadn’t been so stuffed I would have ordered another for desert, it was wonderful. This was my first time in GVR and I liked it a lot, although it was a little confusing to get around. Very tasteful elegant décor and although I didn’t see the rooms, hubs said they are really nice. Loaded him up and went to Paris.

After getting to Paris we played BJ for about an hour, I managed to loose my entire weekend budget in that hour………………. not good and it would stay that way the entire time. Now as sad as that sounds I must tell you I’m an extremely low budget gambler, I’ll never ever ever make Diamond status lol. Unfortunately hubs lost the entire time also. It seemed to be the theme for everyone. We met a little lady in the elevator and she said she was polling everyone she met in the elevators and no one was winning, she was ticked off. It’s like she was now on a mission to find a winner, I’m sure she didn’t….

Sunday we were up early and dropped hubs off for golf then back to the room to get ready. Today was CHER day! Went to LV Outlet to kill a little time until I had to pick inlaws up at the airport, took them to check in and then out to the course to pick up DH. From there we went to Caesars to pick up the tickets. We grabbed a bite to eat at a food court (great quick burger) and then had a drink, fed a couple of slots and did some shopping while waiting for the doors to open.

Finally 6:30!! MIL and I get in the security line and I forgot I had my camera in my purse so I have to check it and pick up after the show and now we are in the doors!! We had great seats, rear orchestra right next to the sound guys and director and center stage view. I was a little worried about sitting next to them, but it was actually quite interesting. Thought the director was going to have a breakdown a couple of times, once I couldn’t see anything on stage wrong but there was definitely something not right and the second time a clip didn’t start on time by maybe 30 seconds.

Let me preface this by saying I’m a huge fan and thought the show was fantastic!! She had 17 costume changes and Bob Mackie didn’t disappoint. During the changes they did several different things, sometimes it was clips from old Sonny and Cher shows, pictures of her in different costumes, a couple of times her dancers would perform and a couple of times there were “Cirque” like performers. It did get a little tedious a couple of times, but hey it’s Cher and you have to expect time for costume changes. The costumes weren’t quite as revealing as in years past, but they were still stunning. And her singing…………. Just don’t know how to describe it except amazing. Definitely the best part of the trip. After the show, drop MIL off at Harrahs and head back to Paris and up to bed – I’d lost enough for one day.

Went upstairs a little before midnight while DH played in the Gold Room for a couple more hours. Set my purse on the ottoman at the foot of the bed (boring I know but it is a very important detail as are some of the following details) got ready for bed, left the bathroom light on for DH and the door cracked so he wouldn’t fall over anything when he came in. He came in around 1:30 or 2 , very quietly closed the door, noticed the bathroom light on and left it on and got into bed. Around 3:30 got up to potty (now you’re thinking what the heck with the BORING details????? But stay with me here), and noticed the bathroom light off. Ok so he thought I had gotten up and turned it off, no biggie.

I get up at 9am go into the bathroom and there is my purse on the counter. With my wallet in upside down…….. Now I can be a little OCD about some things and putting my wallet and the other things in my purse a certain way is one of those OCD things (plus I don’t step on sidewalk cracks) ((yeah now you’re really starting to think I’m nuts…..)) So I go out into the room and ask DH if he was in my purse and took my money. An odd think to ask because #1 I know it’s going to piss him off and #2 he’s never ever rummaged around in my purse and taken my money, if he runs out he just gets another marker . At first he kinda blows me off and asks when I last saw it, well it was all in there when I got up to the room. So he’s says we better call security then.

As I start to do that he notices his money clip is missing and his wallet has been gone thru, wellllllll all hell breaks loose then. So security gets to the room and they have had another room gone into also plus they have been trying to catch this guy for 8 months! He goes up and down hallways to see if a door didn’t catch, like ours didn’t because DH was trying to be quiet so it caught the first click but not the second click (didn’t know it hotel doors usually click twice before this!). He came into our room took my purse off the bench and took it into the bathroom and went thru it and then CAME BACK OUT INTO THE ROOM went to the OTHER side of the bed and got DHs money clip and went thru his wallet. We never heard the guy or sensed he was in our room walking around. That is very scary! But only in Vegas do I think this would work, you are dog-tired after going all day and most likely have been drinking so when you go to sleep you are sound asleep. And worse is the other room he went into had their 2 little kids in there with them. Thankfully tho they caught him this time! Not sure of the details yet, have to wait for a detective to call us but because of the amount of cash he took from us it’s now a felony so he’s looking at 10-12 in prison hopefully. This after he spent 2 years in jail for the same thing. And he only takes cash, no chips or credit cards, just cash. Dumb ass…………………

So we spend a chunk of Monday at the Metro sub station filing a report and doing paperwork. Then we went to a golf store and then met up with the in-laws back at Paris. Spent some time in the Diamond Lounge and had a few drinks and appetizers, what a nice place, it’s quiet and so relaxing. I’m going to miss that lol.Then it’s more gambling, although at this point I should
call it what it really is…… a donation lol. We couldn’t get ahead for anything.

Then we went to see Anthony Cools, me and the in-laws. What can I say but wow……… can’t decide if I liked it or not, it was pretty raunchy. We were told it was a drinking show and boy was it. Only problem was I only had one drink before and that definitely wasn’t enough. Plus I can’t decide if I believe the hypnosis stuff or if they were all plants for the show. I’m leaning toward plants for now. Then a little more donating before heading up to bed.

Tuesday we got up and packed up and headed down to Harrahs for more donating and then to Venetian to have lunch at Grand Lux. MIL and I had chicken salad sandwiches, FIL had BLT and hubs and pot roast. It was all very good. Then walked over to Palazzo, very elegant décor. Back down to Harrahs for more donating and then get the car and head to airport.

Sorry if the Vegasy part is boring, but like I said above I'm just to lazy tonight to remember and retype the story. I just can't believe someone was in our room and we never heard or even sensed it. Dh sure wasn't so quiet the next night! He let the door slam and threw the security lock lol. Still haven't heard from the detective in charge to find out the details, maybe next week.

We've got a chance to go back out in July and see Garth Brooks. I hope it works out because DH and guys have gotten so busy. We are going to have to cancel our San Diego trip in June and sell the US Open tickets. He just doesn't think he can be gone an entire week. bummer............

Happy weekend! Hopefully I'll get some sewing done this weekend so I'll have some quilty pics :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finished UFOs

yeah yeah we all know I'm a blog slacker.......

But dang I've been busy, work sure gets in the way lately. But I finally got a couple of UFOs finished. I took my first quilting class in February 2007 and bought a ton of Moda flannel in May to make my DS a rag quilt to take to school in the fall. Well I didn't get it done, but it was ok cause he didn't stay at school lol. He came home and I put the squares in the closet and went on to other things. I finally drug it out and finished it, albeit smaller than I had orignally planned. I made a lap quilt for my Dad with the leftovers. He has Parkinson's and some of his meds make him cold all the time.

I really like the way they turned out but I don't think I'll make any more rage quilts. I much prefer the traditional pieced quilt. The one with the four-patches are for DS and they other for my Dad. And omg does flannel ever make a mess in your machine! ughhhhhh

Then in my Monday Bernina Designer Plus software class we all made 2 squares for quilts for one of the ladies new twin grandbabies. They were a month old this week. She doesn't know how to quilt so 2 of us took them home and finished. I did the yellow one. They turned out very cute!

Here a close up of the one I did.

They tonight a started a black/white/brights quilt. I' really excited about this one. It's a "Quilt for an Hour" from Judy at . It was her July 2007 project. It originally started out as a gift for someone (can't say who in case they have stumbled upon this hehe) but it's gonna be so cool I don't know if I will be able to part with it lol. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few block put together tomorrow and I'll post pics then.

Also tomorrow I'm taking a beginner paper piecing class. Should be fun as I've never done PP. I'm thinking it should be right up my alley, they say you can get perfect crisp points and that goes very well with my OCD analness lol!! Hopefully I'll have a pic of that tomorrow also.

And now for a couple of pics of my little monster. She WILL NOT stop digging in my flower bed. DH finally just turned off the drip system because he was tired of repairing it constantly. Hopefully she'll stop digging/chewing soon. Good thing she's so darned cute......

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Catching up

Ohhhh myyyyy, it's been an entire month! I'm sure the 2 of you that had been following along have totally give up lol.

Between the flu, a cold that was going around and being very busy with work I just haven't had the time to sit and catch up. But I'm going to sneak in a few today cause I've got pictures!!

First tho, I'm a month into WW and have lost 6.8 lbs. I must finally have my head in the right place because it's been fairly easy this time. And I already feel better, so that's keeping me going also.

We went to Las Vegas the first of March. M had rooms at Paris and Nascar tickets. He doesn't really like Nascar at all, but I love it. In fact it's on right now lol. First up is our room at Paris. This is the view out of our window. We had a fantastic view of the Bellagio fountains, didn't get any good pics of them tho.

This is our room, aren't the headboards the coolest????

The bathroom was nice, but not spectacular. Red Rock has great bathrooms. The first night we ate at the upscale steakhouse in Paris. We were seated upstairs. Here are a couple of shots of the restaurant.

Saturday we went to Bass Pro Shop (again) and I went to a quilt store, Quiltique. It was a great store and worth going to if you're in Vegas. I only bought a couple of patterns tho. I was mostly looking for Moda Daydreams jellyrolls and they didn't have any of that line in. Then we strolled up and down the strip and of course I forgot my camera.

Sunday was spent at the track. OMG can you say WAYYYYY to many people? It was crazy! But a blast! Here are a few pics from there.

Then Monday it was back home. Oh yeah, Monday was also our 29th anniversary. Geez we are old……..

This is part of the Grand Canyon from the plane

I did manage to come home with $150 more than I went with, so that always good. But the best is I get to go back in May to see Cher opening weekend. I'm SOOOO excited about that! Then hopefully this summer I'll get to go see Bette Midler also.

Last week a friend and I went up to Durango Colorado to go to Linens N Things and their quilt shop and this was in the road……

Thankfully it didn't hit anyone when it fell. There were several other rocks but I was driving and trying to take pics at the same time. It's a wonder I didn't go off the side of the mountain lol. In the crooked picture you can see the ladder they used to climb up on top. This rock was HUGE I tell ya!

Then here is my little monster…….

Sweet huh?

NOT, she won't quit digging in my flower bed and chewing my shrubs. They never will grow at this rate.

Hopefully it won't be another month before I'm back……………….

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The best thing about it is that we are half way thru February. Then hopefully it'll start warming up alot in March! Now that it's warming up just a tad all the snow is starting to melt and it's one big ole mud pit around here. Not good. And as usual I've lost another 2 weeks. Once I started feeling better I would get out and try to get caught up on errands (grocery shopping, work stuff etc) and then feel bad for 2 days. Ughhhhhh

Today I started back at Weight Watchers. For the 10th time. But this time I'm going to make it work! The leader was very funny and they got kinda off track with lots of advice for great products to try and where to get them. I love these kind of meetings. You find out what tastes good and what to stay away from because it tastes like cardboard lol. So we'll see how I did next Thursday……………..

On the quilting front, I actually worked on Bs rag quilt last weekend. Still lots of squares to cut out and put together, but I'm getting there. Hopefully I'll have enough left to make my Dad a small lap quilt. He has Parkinson's and some of the meds make him cold all the time. I'll work on it this weekend and if it's close I guess I'll just have to go shopping and buy more flannel so I can make him one. What a terrible thing to have to do…………

Ohhhh and this weekend is DAYTONA!!! Whoo hooo!! And Mikey's on the front row!! Double woo hooo!!!! So Sunday afternoon will be spent in front of the monster tv watching the race in High Def. Thank goodness the part came in and they got it repaired yesterday. Everything was green most of the time and if it wasn't green it was pink. Football was really hard to watch, everything looked like grass lol and other teams looked all the same. 73 inches of green. Not good.

Gosh what a bad blog this is today, I have no pictures. My apologies to the 2 of you that read this J

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome back to the land of the living!

Whew, finally I'm feeling better! I quite a bit better yesterday so I ventured out to the grocery store, got home and put it all away, started a chicken and rice soup, cleaned the kitchen, finished my W2s and payroll tax reports and picked up a little. Not one nap all day long rofl! And boy am I paying for it today. I feel wiped out again. So didn't do much today and feel much better tonight. But.............

now Mike is starting to feel yucky. I would feel bad for him, but I don't. yeah I know, that's being just a little bitchy. But not one time did he ask how I was doing or if I needed anything. Granted he did leave me alone, but geez he coulda asked.................

I saved my Tamiflu for him, figured I was on the downhill side and I figured it was only a matter of time till he got sick so I kept them for him. Saintly aren't I?????

For as obnoxious as he sounds he can be quite the wonderful man. Here's a way cool story to prove it :)

Last February Jennifer came home for a long weekend and our LQS (lol I had NO idea what that meant at the time) was having a "Just try it" afternoon. This was a very basic beginner class, she talked about what stages fabric design went thru and explained the difference in cheap and LQS fabric, thread, how to use a rotary cutter (hopefully without cutting off a finger) and we made a little wallhanging sample. I didn't want to go but I was more than willing to pay her way to the class since she's the creative one (it skipped my generation, went from my Mother to my daughter lol) and was wanting to learn to quilt and sew. But she begged. and begged. All I needed was one more thing I didn't have time for. and one more thing to spend money on. Altho at the time I had NO idea how much money :)

So I caved, and went with her. We had a blast! It was so fun and sooooo informative. I have several very old quilts from my Granny and felt her presence the entire time. So needless to say I was hooked, big time. I know, I know, most of you find that hard to believe. Obsessively hooked on quilting???? noooooo


So I come home and drag my 28 year old Kenmore out of the back of the closet and take it to have it cleaned. After 10 days I got it back and went back to that LQS and dropped a couple hundred on some great Moda flannel for a rag quilt. (which btw STILL isn't finished!!!) Oh and I had spent the last 2 weeks reading everything I could find on the internet about quilting. I found HGTVs board (great btw), GardenWebs and several other along with thousands of pictures. yesssss I have a "little" problem with OCD :)

It's now Saturday, March 31, and I'm sewing away on my rag quilt squares with my poor old Kenmore and the universal walking foot I bought. It was working very well, altho between the old machine and that walking foot it was making alot of noise. But it was working just fine. Nothing fancy, but good even stitches. At class the Janome rep had brought several machines in for us to use and man were they nice. So after sewing a week with mine I called her and we talked about the different machines. I also went to our Bernina dealer and looked around. But yikes they are a fortune! So I had decided on a Janome, don't remember which one but it was around $750.

Around 2 that afternoon I had to run get more thread and as soon as I get home Mike tells me he has to run to Lowe's for something. ok no problem, I'm sewing, see ya! At 4:20 the phone rings and Mike asks me if I want a machine to quilt with. My answer was, and I quote, "where the hell are you?????" He was at the Bernina dealer.

OMG now I'm worried big time. I KNOW how this man loves to spend money. Only the best and most expensive will do. Me? I wait for a sale and get the reasonable model. Him? Not gonna wait on any damn sale and not going to be reasonable. So when he asked if I wanted a machine to quilt on I was afraid he was looking at their long arms!!! We have no room for that lol. I did get him to tell me that he wasn't looking at that, but he wouldn't tell me anything else. Just want to know if I was serious about learning to quilt and hung up.

An hour later he shows up rolling in these 2 big red suitcases. They were huge! and heavy!!! By this time my head is spinning and I'm starting to hyperventilate and break out in a cold sweat. As I start unpacking I also start shaking. I just keep pulling stuff out. He had come home with a Bernina 730E, which includes the embroidery module and BSR, Designer +5.0 software, suitcases on wheels, megahoop and walking foot.

Took me 2 hours to figure out how to thread the darn thing! And man is it devine!

I'm still blown away by both the great machine and the fact that he snuck out and surprised me with it. So for as big an ass as he has been this past week he does have his moments.

So I guess I will let him have my Tamiflu..................................

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Note to self......

GET A FLU SHOT ! ! ! ! ! !

Yep I've got the flu. Fever, chills, sweats, headache, body ache, cough and now I"m starting to wheeze. gggggrrrreeeeeaaaaatttttt

So you can bet your sweet a** I'll be in line this fall for a flu shot. Even tho I feel tons better today the wheezing has got me a little worried (not to mention it drives me NUTS, it's like someone is snoring and I can't reach over and shake him to stop lol). So if it gets worse I'll head on over to Urgent Care if not I'll call doc in the morning. ugghhhhhh

ok now on to more interesting things (hopefully my battery will hold on cuz I'm not getting out of bed to go get the cord lol). Since I can't figure out how to respond directly to those of you who leave comments I'm going to take a bit and answer them here. If someone knows a trick for this would you please let me know???

Pat, it's so nice that you came over and left me a comment :) (if anyone wants to visit a great blog head on over to Back Porch Musings she has some awesome photography, the link is on my sidebar, my head hurts to bad to remember how to link here lol) My DH and DS will be so jealous when they find out you live so close to a Bass Pro Shop!! Thank goodness we don't, we'd be there all the time lol. They didn't have a restaurant in the store, but that's probably because it is connected to the Silverton Casino. We didn't go in there so I'm not sure what they had. You were on HRT for 9 years? wow I'm so glad to hear you're doing well without. I think I am to, lol I'll see after this flu is gone.

Cowboyupphoto - HI! So glad you found me! And yes I'm in Farmington. How cool that your Mom lives in the area. I just started quilting 1 year ago and love it, altho I don't seem to get much done lol. Is you mom a member of the guild here? Does she happen to spend much time at the Bernina store? I spend wayyyyy to much time there :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Sharon - since your not on blogger I've got your email so I'll just say that I'm so glad you take the time to stop in now and then, because gawd I don't know how you find the time. You go like crazy :) Oh and those of you reading again, another great blog "Red Geranium Cottage" (again no link here, look on my sidebar lol). She has the most gorgeous quilts. Makes me just drool and drool.

ok battery held out and I'm pooped so time for a nap.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another 2 weeks gone.......

Well it's happened again, I've lost another 2 weeks lol. It's like I look up and BAM it's 2-3 weeks later. It's gotten much worse since my doctor took me off my HRT. I hate this feeling and may have to talk to him about going back on it. Maybe.............

We had a good time in Vegas for NYE. Stayed at Red Rock, a gorgeous casino/hotel - but I forgot to take pictures of the casino or room :( Yes I know, I'm a bad bad blogger. What fun is a blog without pics????? I promise I'll do better when we go back in March for the NASCAR races :)

Yep we're going back. Staying at Paris this time and going to the race on Sunday. DH doesn't like the races at all, but the tickets are comped as is the room soooooooo. His DS and BIL will meet us there from Texas, so if we can't get extra tickets DH will be off the hook, SIL and I will go. It will be fun with them and staying on the Strip will be fun also. And maybe this time I can make it to a quilt store that is actually open! We found 2 last time that were closed, I had read so many good things about Quiltville and was sooo excited to go but they were closed. We did find one open but it was only ok. I think I'm spoiled because we have such a great quilt store here.

I'm on a Jelly Roll search, I got this great pattern from Fig Tree at my LQS

But they don't carry very many Jelly Rolls.

We did go see a show while in Vegas, we saw "Le Reve" at Wynn. It was very good, a little odd but that could have been because I never got the "story". I'm sure there was one but I missed it lol! The stage is a big pool of water and they swing high above it.

This is a shot before it started, can't take any pics once it starts. They have fog covering the water. Would have been a really cool shot if this guy would have SAT DOWN! lol

This is the ceiling. It's a really crappy pic but this looked amazing irl. A huge canopy and when the show started they pulled it up and it was very dramatic.

Since the quilt stores were closed we spent HOURS here. This place is HUGE! Mike just wandered and wandered and wandered lol.

See the guy wayyyyyy up there in the black jacket and jeans? That's Mike. He was a little annoyed that I kept trying to get a good picture. I tried taking one while walking and trying to keep up with him, but finally I had to just stop and take a few.

Oh and while we were driving around looking for quilt stores this wonderful woman kept telling me exactly where to turn so I wouldn't get lost. She was sooooo friendly and smart! Mike just fell in love with her ROFL. We rented a Cadillac with navagation and it was soooo cool. So yep, now we are looking at new cars, he wants one that talks to us so we don't get lost.

So we are looking and Cadillac CTS or DTS, a little bubbly Lexus or a BMW X5. The later 2 are little SUV things. And all three talk to you :)
And now it's back to reality lol. And snow............

and cold, really really cold........................

I tried to get a picture of the snow in the backyard last night, it looks so cool out there with the landscape lights on. But it was to cold to actually go out there, so this is from the back door lol

Didn't turn out very well, but trust me there's alot of snow and it looks kewl! :)

Hopefully I'll remember to come back soon!