Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I finally got my Christmas packages mailed late yesterday afternoon! Nothing like waiting till the last minute. I had a few handmade things that I was just taking forever to finish up. But they did turn out cute, and you'll just have to take my word on that for right now lol. I'll post a pic of some of it in a while, DH is on the other computer and of course that's where the pictures are. But I do have other pics to share......

I went to my first cookie exchange party last week. Such gooooood cookies! And presentation was a big part, altho I didn't realize it, but you just wait till next year! I'll be more prepared. Here are the cookies I made, they are Chocolate Krinkles. Taste just like little brownies

And here is my presentation at the party.

Notice the wonderfully creative blue/penguin Press-n-Seal????????

Here is another of the tables, isn't the cookie boquet cute?

This won Best of Show, we think she cheated............

First place is the botttom corner, it's not a very good picture, hopefully I've got a better one on the other computer. She hand painted 2 goblets and arranged the cookies in them. It was so pretty irl

more pictures to follow later :)


phins_jazy said...

Mmmmmmm! Now I'm hungry. lol

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Those cookies look sooooo good. I'm out but don't want to make more. We'll just eat them!!

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Yum! Your chocolate krinkles look yummy! I sense a competitive spirit in you, Terri - the other ladies will surely have some serious competition to contend with next year!

PS. No tree here either; all I could manage timewise this year was the advent candles and the nativity set. Gonna be easy to put it "all" away - whee!